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    Since the Donation page went live on December 16, 2025,
    CLL Topics has received a total of
    $55,129.55 from 164 donors.
    Our original target for fundraising for Project Alpha is $75,000.

    Updated: 10/04/04


    The First of Her Kind

    This acknowledgement page salutes all of our generous donors. There is one name missing on this list. We are sure she would have rejoiced in our activism and done her best to help this project, if she was still with us. Thank you, "Granny" Barb, your pioneering efforts to create a cyber village for CLL patients made it that much easier for those of us who followed.



    To Honor Someone Else

    If you would like your gift to be acknowledged in honor of or in the name of another person, please include his or her name and address in an email to us at . We will be happy to send him or her an announcement of your generous gift and reflect both the donor and the honoree on this page.

    If, however, you would like your gift to be anonymous, please send us an email to that effect and we will honor your wishes.


    Our Donors List


    Gifts of $1,000 to $5,000


    Gifts of $500 to $1,000


    Gifts of up to $500

    Malcolm Airst

    Anonymous (1)

    Elizabeth Bridgman

    Robert J. Blake
    in honor of P. C. Venkat

    Jane & Peter Carpenter

    George E. Deichert
    in memory of Walt Deichert

    Debbie & Fred Dunn
    in memory of Granny Barb

    Stephen Dunston

    Keith Friedlander

    Penny & Bill George -
    in honor of Robbie Blake

    The Milton M. & Ruth F. Gilbert Philanthropic Fund
    of the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland

    Kurt Grayson

    Michael Hill

    Pamela Hudson

    Keith L. MaCurdy

    Wendy Ramsey

    Graham & Andrea Spavin

    Pat Stanton
    in honor of Chaya and P. C.

    Chaya & P. C. Venkat

    Radha Venkat & Peter Fortman

    Hal Vincent

    Norman & Irene Ward




    Anne & Alan Amster

    David Arenson &
    Marilyn Werden

    John Bales

    Evelyn & Peter Buchanan

    Rod Case

    Fran & Frank Conn

    Grant Davis

    DeTemple Family Charitable
    Gift Fund

    Paul B. Donzis

    Sandra & Victor Fuller

    Ronald Herring

    Charles Hull

    Rowena Johnson

    John R. Ludemann

    Charlie N. McCullough

    Dermot O'Brien

    John Perry

    Lise C. Rasmussen

    Darleen Ros

    Louise Schulden




    Suzanne Ahern

    Anonymous (6)

    John Balan

    William Bates

    Dennis Bayer

    R. L. & Alexandra Barnard

    Kathleen Beattie

    Barry & Sharon Bedrick

    Jon & Ronda Berton

    William Bosch

    Diana Brinson
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Chris Brocci

    Janice & Kelly Buskell
    in memory of W. Wayne Williams

    Linda D. Bussell
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Suzanne & Julian Burr

    Michelle & Aaron Caplan

    George Carides

    Beau & Shirley Chapman

    Arnold Cohan

    Stephen Cowen

    Dee Davis

    Jeanine & Raymond Dawson

    Joanne & Michael Dereskiewicz

    Linda & Howard Deunk

    Michael C. Dohan
    in honor of Joann Breuer

    Bill & Jennifer Duffy

    Linda N. Emslie
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Paul Epstein

    Lee & Eileen Evert

    Barbara A. Flasch

    Judith Fisher

    Edwin Flockhart

    Ron Fortman

    Lou Fox

    Mary M. Flynn

    Sherry Gardner

    Dennis Gibson

    G. Patrick Glenn

    William Goodell

    John Green

    Susan Guenzel
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Evelyn Haertel

    Jean & John Hartigan

    Beth & John  Havey

    Elizabeth Hawes

    Rita Horwitz

    Susan T. & James M. House

    Suzanne Brooks House

    Sarah Hruska

    Fred Hummel

    Penny & Arnie Jellison

    Barry Jones

    Elsa Tobin Joseph

    Terry Kirby

    Jon & Sharon Koplik

    Elmer Kuhnke

    Karin Laakso

    Reinhard Lehner

    Susan H. Levine
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen


    Judith Lincer
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Marty Liquori

    Sharon Litchfield

    Employees at LKF Partners -
    in honor of Keith Friedlander

    Anne Lucero

    Elizabeth & James Mancini

    Tracy Mannon

    Rita Marion

    Marianne McGhan

    James McVey, NOG

    Jim, Charlotte and
    Valla Mielziner
    in honor of Anne Amster

    Joseph Mogil

    Jim Moore

    Robert Morgan

    Patrice C. Mroczkiewicz

    Terence R. Musick

    Allen Natowitz

    Cathie Nicholl

    Christine Nicolayeff
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Joel Norman

    Joe Novinski

    Ilse M. J. Ortabasi
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Terry Winter Owens

    Arlene Pannullo

    Laura Powell

    Irving Putter

    Grace Rentiers

    Carol Rhoades

    Guy Rich

    Carl Rogat

    Cesar Daniel Rojas

    Kim Rusinow

    Bonnie & Timothy Salles

    Dave Schmitz

    Jim G. Sefandonakis

    Gerald Share

    Brian Sholes

    Ene Silberberg

    Hazel Silverstein

    Hal Skye

    Liz & Kent Smerdon

    Bernard & Edith Smith

    Warren Stanton

    Timothy & Catherine Stepanek

    William Taylor

    George Truett

    Sandra van Droogenbroeck

    Rondi Vasquez
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Mary Versteeg -
    in honor of Chaya & P. C.

    Van Williams

    Liz Wilson
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    Beth Weigand

    Jack Woon

    Sachio & Irene Yamamoto
    thanks to Lise Rasmussen

    George & Mary Anne Yezukevich



    A Friendly Hand

    We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following corporations and individuals.

    Name of Firm

    Our Contacts

    Lohr & Associates, CPAs, Uniondale, NY

    M&I Marshall and Ilsley Bank, Sedona, AZ
    (Our Bank)

    McElroy, Deutsch & Mulvaney, Morristown, NJ


    Ken Lohr

    Val Petrosky

    Warren Racusin


    Bruce Taylor

    George Parsells

    You can use the following links to review the financial statements for the Corporation:

    Fiscal 2025;
    Interim 2025.


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