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    Latest Alert: # 310 issued on Dec 22, 2025

    Number of Subscribers: 2490

    Announcing: CLL Topics Updates

    • As of January 1, 2025 the CLL Topics Alerts service has been discontinued.
    • Please visit CLL Topics Updates, our new interactive web site, to read about all the latest research, clinical trials and best practices – timely information that can make all the difference.
    • You are welcome to browse the archives of past Topics Alerts, but we are no longer accepting registrants.

    What Is Topics Alert?

    We send periodic Topics Alerts by email to registered subscribers. These Alerts may be short news bulletins, announcements of new articles on this website, clinical trial announcements, FDA drug alerts and general information of interest to our subscribers. This service is intended to provide a quick heads-up to our registered subscribers. You can become a registered subscriber to this service by filling out and submitting the registration form. The Topics Alert service is not a discussion forum or chat room. Visit the archives to read all the past Alerts and see what this is all about. Subscription is free of charge and purely voluntary.

    Visit the Topics Alert Archive

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    Please Note:

    Important: By registering for this service you agree that the contents of the alerts are provided as information only and do not constitute medical advice. Please be sure to consult and follow the advice of your doctors on all medical issues. You further agree that the Alerts are intended only for your personal use as a registered subscriber and that you will not circulate or re-publish the content of the Alerts.

    The email address of Topics Alert is mail. Please make sure that your email client software, ISP or email server does not block mail from this address.

    If you change your email address or ISP, please submit a registration form for the new address. The new address will be added to the mailing list. The old address will drop off the list when our mailing list server can no longer deliver emails to the old address. You can also simply re-submit the registration form to re-subscribe after an absence.

    The Topics Alert emails will not contain any attachments. However, they may contain active hyperlinks to articles, websites or other resources that may be useful to our subscribers. If your email server bounces any email from Topics Alert, our server will attempt several more times to get through before it removes your address from the subscriber listing. Alerts are numbered sequentially, the highest numbered Alert issued so far is identified above. If you notice that you are missing any of these Alerts, it may be because your email server is bouncing messages to you from the Topics Alert server. Please check to make sure that the address you have registered with us is valid and current and that the source address (mail) is not blocked or blacklisted by your server or ISP.

    Our non-discrimination policy: CLL Topics extends its services to and encourages participation in its activities by all individuals affected by Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, age, size, national origin, citizenship, geographic location, language, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background or mental or physical handicap. In fact, we are pleased to extend our services to any person who wishes to benefit from them.


    Disclaimer: The content of this website is intended for information only and is NOT meant to be medical advice. Please be sure to consult and follow the advice of your doctors on all medical matters.

    Copyright Notice:

    Copyright © 2025-2007 CLL Topics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CLL Topics, Inc. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

    However, you may download and print material from exclusively for your personal, noncommercial use.





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